
Pawket utilized the Chia's BLS curve(BLS12-381) and ECDH mechanism to create encryption algorithm, allow user to encrypt message with recipient's address, which only the recipient have ability to decrypt the message, just like the asymmetric encryption did.

With this mechanism, created a good user experience to send message to arbitrary activated address without communication or setup beforehand.

Here are notions:

  • Synthetic Key: which is unique for each address in your wallet, it represents a synthetic child key of your root key.
  • Synthetic Public Key: spk, the public part of synthetic key, can be calculate from synthetic private key and it is on-chain for every standard xch transaction.
  • Synthetic Private Key: ssk, the private part of synthetic key, only the private key owner can calculate this key, can be used to decrypt message encrypted by synthetic public key.
  • Activated Address: address with at least one coin is spent, that is one coin is sent from this address, and the spk was recorded on-chain.

Following is the procedure during encryption and decryption.

    participant C as Chia Blockchain
    participant A as Alice
    participant B as Bob
    C ->> A: ❶ spk_B
    A->>A: ❷ shared = ssk_A * spk_B
    A->>B: ❸ spk_A, encrypted = enc(plain, shared)
    B->>B: ❺ shared = ssk_B * spk_A,<br/> plain = dec(encrypted, shared)
  • ❶ Get Bob's spk from Blockchain, which requires activated address.
  • ❷ Calculate the shared key according to ECDH.
  • ❸ Send the encrypted message and Alice's spk.
  • ❹ Calculate the shared key by Bob's ssk and Alice's spk according to ECDH, then decrypted the message.


Following is a demo of composite encrypted message:

-------- pawket.xch ---------
Sender Address: xch1ahu8zdwg03qadmk4tan653hxdjy596k6dy63wm0r6etj0g0y5uws4jwntt
Receiver Address: xch16xwqtf2d4jljks8lfpp4xnz8jak7jqjxc07y9tqlgt4grdp5hr4q7vcx3s
Encrypted Message: fd8ccb693c60e1ba3281c0d1a66c8539a537de6365ca685545052842626a5a1c
  • Sender Address: from this address, program can find the spk_A from blockchain.
  • Receiver Address: from this address, program can find the ssk_B from wallet.
  • Encrypted Message: with shared key calculated by ECDH, the message can be decrypted.

Note: you can also refer to the source code.