Get the price for domain registering.
Key | Required? | Description |
name | Yes | the name to register, typically suffix with .xch |
year | Yes | how many year to register or renew, max 99 |
renew | No | whether to get price for register or renew |
"name": "123458.xch",
"price": 400000000000,
"annualFee": 250000000000,
"registrationFee": 150000000000,
"royaltyPercentage": 500,
"success": true
Key | Type | Description |
name | String | the name to register or renew |
price | Number | the total price for register or renew, in mojo |
annualFee | Number | the annual fee for this name, in mojo |
registrationFee | Number | the registration fee for this name, in mojo |
royaltyPercentage | Number | the royalty percentage in 1/10000, e.g. 500=5% |
success | Boolean | whether success to get price information |
code | String | if failed, this is the error code |
reason | String | if failed, this is the reason |
arguments | String[] | if failed, this is the arguments for reason |
Get the offer for registering or renewing.
"name": "123458.xch",
"royaltyAddress": "",
"address": "",
"publicKey": "",
"did": "",
"text": "",
"renew": false,
"year": 1
Key | Required? | Description |
name | Yes | the name to register, typically suffix with .xch |
year | Yes | how many year to register or renew, max 99 |
royaltyAddress | No | the default royalty address of this CNS NFT, format like xch1... |
address | No | the default binding address, format like xch1 |
publicKey | No | the default binding publick key, format usually like 0x... |
did | No | the default binding DID, format like did:chia:... |
text | No | the default binding text, can be arbitrary text except double quotes |
renew | No | whether to get price for register or renew |
"name": "123458.xch",
"offer": "offer1qqr83....",
"image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRg....",
"success": true
Key | Type | Description |
name | String | the name to register or renew |
image | String | the NFT image in base64 |
offer | String | the offer string |
success | Boolean | whether success to get register offer |
code | String | if failed, this is the error code |
reason | String | if failed, this is the reason |
arguments | String[] | if failed, this is the arguments for reason |